I had the Labor Day weekend off so I loaded up a few 5 gallon buckets and headed for the open desert. I know there is Gold out there, just don't know exactly WHERE? When I am in doubt as to where I can legally go, without trespassing, I drive around looking for dry washes. If I see one that looks interesting, I stop long enough to grab my shovel and fill a 5 gallon bucket with material, and of course, taking mental note of the particular location. I then, mark the bucket and move on to the next likely spot.
Once back at the house, I set up my GOLD BUDDY Mini-sluice, screen down my collected material from each bucket and go to work. This is so simple. Almost as much fun as sitting along side of a river bank, somewhere, but in my back yard, instead.
Buddy is small, but doesn't miss a piece of Gold, no matter how small, and you can adjust the water flow to accomodate the size of the material.
This collect and come home system has worked wonders for me, because of not having to drag a lot of equipment and supplies out into the wild and then back again. Just collect and come home, and work the material whenever you feel like it...and sleep in your own bed.
One thing to mention, when collecting material from dry washes, I usually dig down a bit to check for signs of black magnetic sand(magnetite). You don't always find it, or an abundance of it, but best to check anyway...This is still cheaper than playing the lottery and your chances of finding gold are much better.